Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yau Kung Mun in Sweden

Please stop by and see the YKM in Sweden blog at http://internalkungfu.blogspot.com/.

Christer is a student of Sifu Garry Hearfield, from Sydney, Australia. They are putting out some good information, and soon will have a few DVD's out.

Garry is a very knowledgable Yau Kung Mun practitioner, dedicated and no-nonsense in his approach to learning/researching YKM. And a great friend.

We have shared much knowledge over the years (I think I still owe him some on that respect) and he helped re-invigorate my studies when I was lagging a bit in motivation.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Avast, me hearties!

At times, we need to not take ourselves so seriously 100 % of the time.


Enjoy Talk Like A Pirate Day.